Sleeping has a multitude of benefits. It helps your brain to consolidate stuff that it has been exposed to during the day. That’s why people wake up with creative ideas to tackle their problems. It is nature’s way of shutting yourself down from the outside world so that you emerge feeling recharged.
I’m aware of this, but don’t always follow through on my resolve to sleep lots and well. I attribute this to revenge procrastination. After a long day of working and parenting, I just want to scroll social media mindlessly before turning in for the night. 15-30 mins in a space that belongs to me only.
Of course, I usually regret this the next day. I get 6 hours of sleep, which makes me functional but not in my best form.
The simplest solution is to keep my phone in another room. But I use it as my alarm clock - and somehow don’t feel like reverting to the old-school alarm clock.
Yesterday I was a good boy and promptly focused on sleeping when it was time to put my two children to bed. I put the phone aside on a bean bag situated near our sleeping area. Super disciplined. I don’t know if I can be so disciplined every day though.
Are you disciplined about getting enough sleep?

Are you satisfied with your sleeping habits?
By cryotosensei | diaperfinancingfund | 8 Feb 2024
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