A UNIFI DEFI Christmas Season Surprise!

A UNIFI DEFI Christmas Season Surprise!

By Blockstory | DeFi Cat | 13 Dec 2020

As an apology for recent hiccups, and in a true embrace of the Christmas spirit, we’re dropping a sweet CDF surprise…

A UNIFI DEFI Christmas Season Surprise!

Hey Unifamily, a pretty big update coming in this article – brace yourselves…

Since it’s the holiday season, we wanted to give something sweet back to you and help atone for some of the recent hiccups we’ve been facing – notably, the most recent CDF round. But before we talk about our Christmas season gift to you all, a bit about the last week’s CDF:

So what happened?

A UNIFI DEFI Christmas Season Surprise!

The very basic of it – it was a human, clerical error. To apply the bonus for these first 8 weeks, we have to manually input these tokens to the bucket as they’re not a permanent fixture. Simply put, these tokens were forgotten to be inputted during the redemption phase of the last week’s CDF round. Incredibly simply error to make, we know, and as you saw in our response, we reacted as rapidly as we could, distributing the first two wallets worth of bonuses within minutes after being notified.

As it emerged this was a wider issue, even despite adding in the bonus tokens during redemption phase, this became slightly bigger for us to manage and keep a track of.

To rectify this, we are going to manually distribute the 20% bonus to eligible wallets, those who verify they are due to get the 20% bonus but did not receive this at the point of redemption.

We ask that those who did not receive their bonus message one of the admins in our main Telegram group, alongside exact proof of their token input into the CDF bucket last week, their redemption transaction, amount of tokens, and if possible (but not strictly required) screenshots, if you have these at hand.

We’re able to manually cross reference this with wallets that redeemed at the Redemption Center, and we will be performing deeper enhanced checks and due diligence to avoid any attempts of manipulation or fraud in receiving this 20% bonus.

But as we’ve all seen over the past four weeks, the CDF has been performing so incredibly well, we really wanna do something great for you all as a signal of our appreciation for your belief, your support, your (at times) tough questions, and patience during the odd hiccup here and there.

So without further ado…

Here is our UNIFI DeFi Christmas bonus!

Here is our UNIFI DeFi Christmas bonus!

We’re going to add an extra 100% of core tokens (1 million – yep, you read that right, 1,000,000) on top of the 1 million already in next week’s bucket by standard. So this bucket will begin with 2 million tokens, plus the previous week’s buybacks.

So yeah, we’re on track for a behemoth of a next week… surprise!

This won’t be every week, so don’t get riled up and ahead of the game on this extra 1,000,000 tokens, but we wanted to do you guys good and this is a small step towards doing that!

2,000,000 tokens, plus the buybacks added, plus manual distribution of the 20% bonus hiccup from last week to those eligible – what a way to kick off the Christmas festive season with UNIFI DeFi!

We can’t apologise enough for the stress of last week, but hope this goes some way in rectifying this and putting us back in your good books.

With big love and happy festive season,



As always, we hope you’re all having a wonderful week – we cannot wait to get all of this live and in your hands!

Stay tuned with UNIFI DeFi for more explainer articles on everything to do with crypto and DeFi – it’s a new and exciting world out there, and we’re so pumped to have our awesome Unifamily on this journey alongside us.


Stay in Touch With UNIFI DeFi

As always with UNIFI DeFi, there’s much more news coming soon! Keep an eye out on the official UNIFI DeFi Telegram HERE for more, including big announcements and community discussions. There’s a lot coming up!

Buy Unifi DeFi:
Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x0ef3b2024ae079e6dbc2b37435ce30d2731f0101
Hotbit: https://www.hotbit.io/exchange?symbol=UNIFI_USDT

Community Distribution Fund:
CDF Application: http://cdf.unifidefi.com/

Staking Portal (Powered by Ferrum Network): http://staking.unifidefi.com/

Price and Marketcap links:
Coinmarketcap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/unifi-defi/markets/
Coingecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/unifi-defi 

Useful links:
Website: https://unifidefi.com/ 
Whitepaper: https://unifidefi.com/assets/UNIFI%20Whitepaper.pdf 
Etherscan link: https://etherscan.io/token/0x0eF3b2024ae079e6dBC2b37435cE30d2731F0101
Telegram: https://t.me/UnifiDeFi 
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UnifiDeFi 
Medium: https://medium.com/@unifidefi 
Discord: https://discord.gg/zst234k 
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIs9MkJb8-CbtAGq_hybdTw
Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/UnifiDeFi 

Like the tide rising, we are inevitable.

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DeFi Cat
DeFi Cat

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