Blockchain in Healthcare

Blockchain Technology in the Healthcare Industry (Use Cases)

By Heath Muchena | Decentralised News | 13 Dec 2021

Distributed ledger technology has the potential to be applied across a number of healthcare areas. In this video, we look at the potential of blockchain technology in the health sector, giving examples of practical applications and proven use cases.

Some of the benefits of using blockchains instead of the traditional healthcare database management systems can help bring about solutions to the problems of centralized management which makes databases susceptible to tampering and corruption. Immutable ledgers can help solve such a problem.

Blockchain technology can also help with better data provenance and security. Other uses could be for bringing about improved transparency across medical supply chains, giving patients more power over their health records, leveraging smart contract for insurance and also for supply chain settlements. Even credential verification for medical staff can be vastly improved.

Some companies leveraging blockchain technology for healthcare solutions include: HealthVerity, Synaptic Health Alliance, United Health Group, Hashed Health, Change Healthcare, and Chronicled.

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Heath Muchena
Heath Muchena

Founder, Decentralised News & Proudly Associated Author, Journalist For more about me:

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