On The Spot Reward Summary, Week 48

On The Spot Reward Summary, Week 48

By DBuzz | D.Buzz | 25 Sep 2021

What's the good word, D.Buzz fam!

Welcome to Week 48 of the spot-on, on-the-spot rewards program. It has been 48 awesome weeks, wherein we have rewarded over 480 authors on-the-spot rewards for being great content contributors. Just a few more weeks and it will be our one year anniversary for this program, and that brings us joy. To know that we could reward so many exceptional authors with tips is one of the fundamental reasons for cryptocurrency and Hive.

Who did we reward this week?

Starting up this weekend's summary is one of our longtime friends, @drunksamurai. They shared with us a lovely seaside photo taken in Russia. Heading south, @saikaungzawthant shared with us a photo from Myanmar, in the high Sierra desert. Heading east from there, we get to Germany where @koenau shared with us a photo of an awesome building at night. Continuing our global adventure, in Mauritius, @progressivechef shared a picture of an epic looking temple!

Along with buildings, there are also bears! @madame.fondue shared with us a photo of many bears holding the roof up. Don't worry, it’s only art :) . Speaking of art, authors such as @ramascorpioanis presented an artful moment of tranquility with bamboo leafs and the silver moon, while @maungtha reminded us to stay hungry by sharing a very colorful photo of a delicious looking meal, artistically laid out.

Looking at the world on a smaller scale, @fajarsullivan explored a dragonfly in incredible detail, and @hadji captured what could only be described as a gorgeous looking snail. Mother nature is amazing. Closing out this week we also have @tattooph, who displayed some fresh new ink of an awesome looking black cat!

To be part of this global community of content creators, authors, explorers, artists, and more, and then be able to contribute to each other’s lives, to help them grow monetarily, as well as increase their confidence through liking and supporting the work, this is what Hive is about. Thank you for being part of our community.

As always, enjoy your weekend!



Have a Pugderful weekend you all!



Week #48 (Starting | 09/17/2021)

Author Link

@drunksamurai https://d.buzz/#/@drunksamurai/c/yak4y14sajiwxajrau8r5w

@maungthan https://d.buzz/#/@maungthan/c/a4efgaa6rf26xkdxijvkxc

@progressivechef https://d.buzz/#/@progressivechef/c/04yqk65l2ta7qa4zy84pb2

@saikaungzawthant https://d.buzz/#/@saikaungzawthant/c/xmm5w8aoqx0anuzpw6a0yt

@tattooph https://d.buzz/#/@tattooph/c/vqm8bubfm936cfl959qv6l

@ramascorpioanis https://d.buzz/#/@ramascorpioanis/c/kyjj9gsvtd3zz8wceznv15

@madame.fondue https://d.buzz/#/@madame.fondue/c/hqeucs8ja8d08el2e4g3ga

@hadji https://d.buzz/#/@hadji/c/uuhs496em5a56vsbibn9l2

@fajarsullivan https://d.buzz/#/@fajarsullivan/c/lmfhtdam24hzg6pvfexurq

@koenau https://d.buzz/#/@koenau/c/nz2yw50jmi7yopffa2j4u7

Congratulations to all of you - your content and imagery inspires us to post more.
Keep being amazing!

  • What do you think about the way this program is going?

  • How can we improve it?

Want to sponsor a week of rewards?

You seem like a cool kid. Would you like to sponsor a week's worth of D.Buzz rewards? If so, reach out to us on Discord (https://discord.gg/qjpD4nY8) and let us know.

In exchange for being a sponsor, we would thank you in each of the reward posts, i.e. "This reward is brought to you by X", and thank you in our weekly summary.

How do you earn an On-The-Spot Reward?

  • Quite simple, post quality content on D.Buzz. :D

Looking for inspiration?

You can also jump in on the 30-day Buzzing challenge.

Start today and see where it takes you. ;)

  • 30-Day Challenge Level I : GO LV 1

  • 30-Day Challenge Level II : GO LV 2

  • 30-Day challenge Level III : Go LV 3

  • 30-Day challenge Level IV : Go LV4

What did you discover this week that you really liked? Let us know in the comments section below!

And as always, keep on Buzzing!

As always, thanks for reading and being part of our ever-growing community. D.Buzz is a platform for you, for the community.

- The D.BUZZ


D.Buzz is...

Is a censorship-resistant short-form microblogging platform that empowers you to share your thoughts in 280 characters or fewer.

Censorship resistant and built for the community with love.


We strive to have a fun and neutral stance on topics. If you have any concerns with the content, please contact @jacuzzi who writes and generates the content for our articles, or the @dbuzz team for clarification.

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Join us on Discord at https://discord.gg/BKg5Ptg9ss


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D.Buzz is a decentralised censorship resistant social media app. Decentralised social media ensures transparency, prevents manipulation and protects the free speech of users on platforms like D.Buzz.


D.Buzz is a decentralised censorship resistant social media app. Decentralised social media ensures transparency, prevents manipulation and protects the free speech of users on platforms like D.Buzz. Using any HIVE account creation service, you can claim a HIVE account and generate your account keys for the ability to log into any DAPP built on top of the HIVE blockchain, including but not limited to D.Buzz. All with a single username + set of keys.

Send a $0.01 microtip in crypto to the author, and earn yourself as you read!

20% to author / 80% to me.
We pay the tips from our rewards pool.