Question / answer

By 10 minutes | dayplorer | 25 Oct 2022

Someone said, "If I were a rich man, you would not refuse my love...But the weakness, poverty and the difficulties of the situation... were my tragedy."

Is this true? And Money comes first?

Unfortunately, yes.
The truth is that love doesn't buy bread.
But. But it buys patience and creates bonds and compassion between people.

At a time of stress, money can run out.. But love is an arm that resists blows.

I have never seen a human being or an animal living on this planet who protects his children just because he has money, but protects them because he loves them.

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10 minutes
10 minutes

I'm a moderate person.. I can be happy with anything that make any human being happy, and I can be angry with anything that make any human being angry


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