Gnosis Ecosystem: Safe Global, Batch Auction Aggregator, Gnosis Pay

Gnosis is a large ecosystem that includes Gnosis Chain: an Ethereum sidechain that works as a layer1. It is essentially similar to Polygon: it has a direct connection to the Ethereum mainnet but has its own token, a gas token (xDai pegged to Dai), its validators and a staking system with the $Gno token. It was launched in 2015 as a prediction market via a DeFi platform (similar to PolyMarket). The prediction market was based on the formula later used by Uniswap and classic AMM: x*y=k. Several third-party services and dapps were subsequently developed.


Cow Swap (Gnosis, Ethereum, Arbitrum) is a dex (batch auction) aggregator where buy/sell orders are collected and aggregated in a specific period of time called time-batch, at the end of which they are executed simultaneously at the same uniform price within the same transaction. So, instead of executing trades one by one, these batch auctions collect multiple orders in a defined time frame and execute them in a single batch, aggregating liquidity and reducing slippage. The model allows traders to trade multiple assets in a single auction. Having multiple orders in a single batch also allows for P2P trading, which ensures better pricing. These types of batch auctions encourage resolvers to find the best execution path for each trade, thus optimizing execution efficiency rather than the best execution path. Another protocol that uses this model is Balancer for its Liquidity Bootstrapping Pools used to gather liquidity and set a dynamic price that varies over time. The batch auction mechanism reduces the possibility of MEV, a phenomenon where executors can take advantage of users’ trades by re-ordering or including their own trades. Compared to "classic" Dex aggregators, batch auctions collect orders and execute them simultaneously at a single price, while aggregators like 1inch, Odos and Paraswap split and distribute orders across multiple Dexes to get the best prices. For example, 1inch uses an algorithm called Pathfinder to split orders into multiple segments (i.e. once the best exchange rate is found, orders are split into small parts), executing them on different platforms to minimize cost and slippage. Odos and Paraswap are based on routing optimization, finding the most efficient paths for the requested trade. Other liquidity aggregators are Kyber Network and Matcha.


A tool for creating complex financial and prediction markets. These tokens represent bets or predictions on future events and can be used for various purposes, including betting, insurance and derivative financial instruments. For more info: Conditional Tokens


A multi-sig account that requires multiple signatures to confirm transactions, increasing security compared to traditional wallets. For more info: Safe Global


Gnosis Guild is a modular framework for DAO, it is based on the concept of "astro" (modules) that can be combined to build customized governance systems. Modularity allows organizations to create flexible and adaptable governance systems using predefined modules. It also works with various existing governance frameworks, including Gnosis Safe and other asset management systems.


Gnosis Pay is a blockchain-based payment system that aims to facilitate cryptocurrency payments in everyday life. It supports secure transactions by simply connecting Metamask to an app using VISA payment systems (debit card that uses safe smart contract). The advantage is to hold assets on non-custodial wallets and make payments by transferring only the necessary amount to the card, all without using centralized entities. Using the VISA circuit, KYC is still required. Gnosis can be integrated with Monerium which facilitates transfers from fiat to the blockchain world, using Iban. It also supports assets pegged to fiat such as EURe. If you deposit crypto collateral on Aave and borrow EURe, not only do you not spend your crypto that you hold long term but you also do not generate taxable events. Gnosis Pay can also be integrated with Zeal Wallet which is focused on privacy and security of transactions, also allows you to manage the card via smartphone.


GnosisDAO has approved a spin-off of a DAO treasury management protocol Karpatkey with native token $Kpk. Gnosis has also invested $1.5 million in Hoprnet to create a private and decentralized VPN. It has also launched Gnosis AI for prediction markets. The chain has a TVL of about $280 million and among the main dapps we find RealT, based on RWA to invest in the real estate sector by buying fractional real assets.


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