$REQ (Request Network) mooning after Coinbase add

By DaniBom | danibom | 12 Aug 2021

I've been a holder of the $REQ token since late 2017; I saw it going from low sats to 7000 satoshis on Binance and then back to under 100 satoshis a few months ago.

I doubled by bag at 135 sats in February, but after a brief run it went back near my buy price.

Now finally I can see green, with a more than 3x rise in a day, i wonder why and i found this tweet.

The Coinbase add moved the price and now REQ is on the verge of entering the top200 on Coingecko; but there is still a 10x to go back to the high's versus BTC of early 2018.

Plus, this is not a hype pump, since the Request team has been doing a great job integrating their protocols in many different chains and the volume of users has increased tremendously in the last months.

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