BiTrue Power Piggy stacking with up to 13% APR

By CryptoJay | CyptoFreedom | 26 Mar 2020

Bitrue offers a his unique lock-up investment plan, which will be finishing soon, and we're already preparing to launch the 2nd round imminently. The available coins this time will be BTCXRP, VET and now alo USDT. All of them will require a lock up of 30 days, and in return, will all provide a return of up to 13% APR.

If you would like to participate, then be sure to have your coins deposited in advance, then head to the Power Piggy page at 2pm on Monday 20th January 2019 (GMT+8). You can also head there now to read all the relevant terms and conditions.

Even though those numbers are high, it's might be possible for the caps to run out very quickly, so be sure to show up on time if you wish to get in.

Download Bitrue App and sign up, get Sign-up Package at once. Open the package you will have a chance to win 60,000 XRP! Moreover, inviting friends will get commission rebate up to 50%!

Power Piggy Page  or sign up directly 

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