Stopping the Runaway Ransomware Epidemic

How do governments effectively blunt the growth of ransomware?  There is a path, but it does not involve outlawing cryptocurrency!

I see many government politicians positioning a ban of cryptocurrency as a solution for ransomware.  That would simply not world.  It would create an obstacle for cybercriminals, but one they would pursue to overcome.  At most, it would be a temporary setback for cybercriminals.   

In this week’s video I discuss how governments can maneuver to stop the ransomware epidemic.  We must undermine the motivation of attackers by outlawing payment of digital extortion.  Taking away the likely benefits of ransomware attacks is the only way to success. 

We must stop vilifying technology and start addressing the root of the problem.


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Matthew Rosenquist
Matthew Rosenquist

Cybersecurity Strategist specializing in the evolution of threats, opportunities, and risks in pursuit of optimal security for our digital world.

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