Importance of Soft Skills in Cybersecurity

The Cybersecurity Vault - episode 38, with guest Evgeniy Kharam.

Soft Skills are essential cybersecurity as they enable communication, teamwork, leadership, and relationship building. Yet, the cybersecurity industry has traditionally focused on the technical skills and aspects, often undervaluing how soft skills can amplify effectiveness and efficiency.

Evgeniy Kharam and I discuss the challenges, opportunities, and valuable benefits of soft skills in cybersecurity. We identify recommendations for workers, managers, and those seeking careers in cybersecurity, to build stronger and more capable teams.


Architecting Success: The Art of Soft Skills in Technical Sales

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Matthew Rosenquist
Matthew Rosenquist

Cybersecurity Strategist specializing in the evolution of threats, opportunities, and risks in pursuit of optimal security for our digital world.

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