Free tokens on CoinMarketCap !!

By CryptoZebra | cryptozebra | 22 Jan 2021

Hi CryptoZebra fans! Did you know you can get crypto for free and learn about them? No? So check this out!

CoinMarketCap - site thanks to, as the name suggests, you can check market cap of each crypto - like Ethereum, Polkadot, Cardano, 1Inch (main of this text) and obviously Bitcoin.  That's quite common facts. But not everyone knows about aidrop's in this center of crypto value knowledge.

Everything you need to do is watch few short videos witch telling about project - in this case 1Inch - like what is the reason of create a token and for what application it can be used.  Then you must complete the test that will check your information of videos. And that all! Simple right?

Oh .. I nearly forgot where they send your free crypto. You need Binance account - where you can sell or stake yours 1Inch token - and pass the ID (and email address - whatever you want) before the start of the test. If you want you can create an account from my reff link ;)

At the end, catch the answers to the test for lazy guys.

1. 1 500 000 000

2. Oriental Martial Arts/ The English System

3. ETHGlobal Hackatown in New York

4. Porsche

5. 42

6. Russ Hannerman

7. Pathfinder

8. Ancient Greece


Trading with the stripes!

Stay tune, CryptoZebra

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Cryptocurrency, investing, free coins, airdrops ... just everything you love <3 Trading with the stripes!


Cryptocurrency, investing, free coins, airdrops ... just all you love <3 Trading with the stripes!

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