Win 100 Banano in 30 Seconds! #11

By Ronnie10 | CryptoSlice | 30 Dec 2020

Good day to all of you. As you know the price of Banano is increasing which is good.

Below is the result for the earlier contests.

Announcing Banano Giveaway Winner!! #1
Announcing Banano Giveaway Winner!! #2
Announcing Banano Giveaway Winner!! #3
Announcing Banano Giveaway Winner!! #4
Announcing Banano Giveaway Winner!! #5
Announcing Banano Giveaway Winner!! #6
Announcing Banano Giveaway Winner!! #7
Announcing Banano Giveaway Winner!! #8
Announcing Banano Giveaway Winner!! #9
Announcing Banano Giveaway Winner!! #10

Why Am I Doing A Raffle?

Well, this is just for fun. Plus, I can see the increase in the price of Banano. But, I don't use them. So, I am sharing some of them with you.

Back To The Topic

So, participation is easy. All you need to do is to follow the below guidelines.

1. Tip This Post.

2. Comment with your Banano address below.

3. I'd appreciate a follow. So, feel free to click on that follow button. Or not. It's totally up to you.

NoteThe results will be shown in a different post.


A quick shoutout to all the participants of the earlier contest.

@I_am_CryptoKing @ProjectJourneyman @Black eye butterfly @CryptozNewb @Furios1 @SmileToBeFree @PapaT @Shimmy shim @chrash @Halloesh @shellatreille @Madhu1 @Wasim Raja @hugo300 @Jerrydacko3 @mahodn @mtxyz @Addams @coinbro @RanaWaseem @oscargy @Ronaldo Santos @GMuzzin @Happygamer2463 @bluetrader

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