From Sponsored Scams To Spam Replies - Twitter Under Elon Musk Remains Chaotic

From Sponsored Scams To Spam Replies - Twitter Under Elon Musk Remains Chaotic

It started a few weeks ago and since then, I have recognized more and more scams on Twitter that are being promoted as sponsored tweets in my timeline. Also, the number of bot spam replies in the comments remains high on Twitter. At the same time, Twitter has suspended the Arbitrum account for their legit airdrop.

This is pretty annoying and very dangerous, especially for newbies entering the crypto space. However, all these are symptoms of a bigger issue. Since Elon Musk took over Twitter, the platform has become extremely chaotic and to be honest, the future for Twitter users is not looking very bright.

sponsored scam on Twitter

Despite the fact that Elon Musk vowed to eliminate all bots from Twitter, nothing has changed. The spam bots on Twitter are as annoying as always and scams even seemed to have increased. It is extremely difficult, if not impossible to tweet something about a crypto-related topic without having to face dozens of spam and scam replies. A deep dive into my notifications can prove that. 

The thing is that you can not rely on Twitter. You don't know what new change they will come up with tomorrow. The whole blue-ticks story has become a farce. Now only those who pay for it will get one. Those who refuse to pay like the New York Times get their checkmark removed. This will not only lead to more impersonation but also to shadowbanning those accounts without a blue checkmark.

There are two things that Elon Musk changed successfully but I doubt that it is really a success. It is actually pretty shady. These are changes that have the only goal to please Elon Musk's own ego. For example, he changed the algorithm in a way that his own tweets get boosted, so more users can see them in their timelines. I never followed him but all of the sudden, his tweets were all over my timeline. It was so annoying that I had no other chance than to block him.

Another thing that he still successfully does on Twitter is manipulating the crypto markets. Twitter is actually the most powerful tool to move the crypto market if you haven't noticed yet. This is something that I predicted when Elon Musk took over Twitter at the end of last year: Elon Musk, Twitter, And The Manipulation Of The Crypto Markets

crypto market manipulation on Twitter

Of course, I am also interested in your opinion on Elon Musk and his market manipulations via Twitter. You are welcome to leave a comment.

Thank you for reading and if this is the kind of stuff you like to read here on Publish0x, I would be happy about a follow.

You may also like:Elon Musk, Twitter, And The Manipulation Of The Crypto Markets

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