Brave Browser And Presearch Are Exploring AI Features

Brave And Presearch Are Exploring AI Features

Around three years ago, I published the article "The Brave Browser And Presearch Are A Powerful Combination". I have supported both projects since the beginning but, of course, a lot has changed in the past three years. 

Both crypto projects are now exploring the implementation of AI features into their search engines.


Brave Browser and Presearch - still a powerful combination?

For me, Brave Browser and Presearch had always been a powerful combination and they still are, at least when it comes to the desktop version. While Brave started as a Browser based on Chromium, Presearch started as a search engine. Meanwhile, Presearch has launched its own Browser while Brave has launched its own search engine. Today, both projects are offering a browser as well as a search engine.

When you use the Brave Browser to browse the web, you will be rewarded with Basic Attention Tokens $BAT and when you use Presearch to search the web, you will be rewarded with Presearch Tokens $PRE. You can use your $PRE tokens for keyword staking or trade them like your $BAT for other cryptocurrencies.

The thing is that you will not be able to earn Basic Attention Tokens for searching the web and you won`t earn any PRE tokens for Browsing the web. For this reason, Brave Browser and Presearch still remain a great combo, even after three years have passed.


New AI Features 

New AI features are especially interesting for the search engines of both projects. AI-powered search engines have the ability to constantly learn and improve from new data and user interactions.

Brave Browser had been pretty fast with implementing an AI feature called the Summarizer which is AI-powered. From now on, the Brave Browser Summarizer will generate a compact answer at the top of the search results along with all the links to the sources. The announcement tweet from Brave shows a few sample answers created by the Summarizer.

Presearch has published the article "Presearch AI" which is more like a general overview of the topic AI-powered search. An updated roadmap and whitepaper.

So far, Presearchers can not experience AI-powered search. If you want to keep yourself up to date, the Presearch team has created a dedicated Twitter account to share their progress and insights on AI. The last tweet on this account was a month ago. Maybe the account is so quiet because they are busy working on AI-search, who knows?


My Final Thoughts

When it comes to the implementation of AI features, Brave Browser is one big step ahead as Brave already successfully did it with its summarizer.

However, Brave may have already implemented the AI-search but you won't be able to earn $BAT for searching the web. If you want to earn tokens for searching, you still have to use Presearch.

You can still receive your first 25 $PRE for FREE just by signing up via this invitation link. Keep in mind that you only get them when you use an invitation link for signing up. If you don't use such an invitation link, you won`t receive them. If you are not already using Presearch right now, you can use my invitation link to receive your first 25 $PRE tokens for free, currently worth around $1,55.

Thank you for reading and if this is the kind of stuff that you like to read, make sure to follow me for more.

You may also like: AI Tokens Are Springing Up Like Mushrooms

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