Cryptomonkeys Giveaway Round No. 1 - Card 49 - Planet Banance

By jka | Cryptomonkey Giveaways | 12 Dec 2021

Have you always wanted to own a Cryptomonkey?

Then this is your chance! Post your wax address in the comments by December 13, 2021 at 5pm CEST and get the chance to win Card 49 - Planet Banance!

What can I do with the Cryptomonkey?

You can collect it, look at it, earn banano with it ( and much more!

Where can I learn more about Cryptomonkeys and Banano?

For those who are interested in the Cryptomonkeys, the FAQ on the website is recommended. Those who are interested in Banano can learn more on the Publish0x blog or on the Banano website.

*This giveaway has nothing to do with the makers of Banano or the Cryptomonkeys. I am just a fan who has collected some Cryptomonkeys and would like to give them away to the community.

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