In this tutorial, we will cover in less than 4 minutes all the steps and information necessary for you to be able to play your first battle in the NFT game Splinterlands in the Modern style! We will present: What this Modern Format would be and its benefits for new players; We will explain how the mechanics of the match screen work with Mana Cap, Ruleset and Elements; Then we will go into the strategic part of creating a team for the battle in this play to earn. Next, we will observe how the battle develops; Finally, we'll cover One-Clink Set Rentals, which is a way for you to get cards from a set with just one click.
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How Does Modern Format Work?
Splinterlands is a fast-paced card game with two main formats: Wild and Modern. While Wild allows players to use cards from the oldest to the newest sets, Modern only allows players to use cards from the two most recent sets released, which are currently Chaos Legion and Rebellion cards.
This limitation on the sets used is common in many card games, such as Pokémon or Magic The Gathering, for example, and allows new players to start playing without needing to have old cards, which are often more expensive than new cards.
To start a game in Modern Format, simply select Modern on the Battles page and then click “BATTLE”. With that, you will find a game in a few minutes. Since one of the pillars of Splinterlands is to be quick strategic matches, so that players with little time available can also play this Web3 Game.
Important Information on the Match Start Screen
As soon as the match is found after a short time, you should observe 3 important pieces of information that will be fundamental for choosing your team later. The first of these are the combat rules that will define whether there will be any limitations such as only Melees, or some type of buff or debuff. The second piece of information is the Mana Cap, which is the amount of mana you have available to use when choosing your team. Finally, we have the available elements, which can be Fire, Water, Earth, Light, Death or Dragon.
Team Creation
After observing the information on the Game Start Screen, you will need to choose a Summoner from those available, based on what is left over from the rules and elements. Once you have chosen your Summoner, you will need to set up your strategy. In this case, Obsidian was chosen as an Earth element summoner, which costs 4 mana and gives bonus magic damage.
There are 4 types of attacks: Melee, Archer, No Damage and Magic. Melee can only attack in the first position, Archer can no longer attack when in the first position and finally the strongest is the Magic attack, which can be used from any position, which is why I chose it.
After choosing the summoner, now is the time to choose your team using the filters available in the game. Since the focus is magic, you can select the magic attack type since Obsidian has the ability to give +1 magic damage. In this team, I chose Regal Peryton, Goblin Psychic, Djinn Biljka and Ujurak Elder as mages. To complete, I used the Hill Giant as tank and the Fungus Fiend in second position.
⚔️ Battle ⚔️
Source: Splinterlands: Battle LINK
Now just watch how the battle develops. The Hill Giant managed to tank a good amount of enemy Attacks, and the enemy archer attacked twice because he has the Double Strike ability. The Fungus Fiend then takes his position and receives healing from the Goblin Psychic. Then my Mages start to eliminate the opponents one by one, ensuring victory in Round 2.
One Click - Set Rentals
Going to the Splinterlands Market, you can select the Set Rentals page within the Game. For less than $1.5 in DEC tokens or Credits, you can rent the entire Chaos Legion Collection with just one click to play throughout the Season (15 days) in Modern Format, in matches like the previous one.