Splinterlands Nidhoggr Adjustment

Splinterlands 🐉| Cards Adjustments - Nidhoggr Proposal!

By RionWeb3 | CryptoMinute | 11 Jan 2025

Splinterlands Nidhoggr Proposal.jpg


This week's Splinterlands Social Media Challenge will focus on the Balancing of Card Stats and Abilities that occurs when a new set or Airdrop happens. The reason is that we have Proposal 198 currently being voted on by Splinterlands users, which addresses this very issue of card adjustments, more specifically the balancing of the last card from the Rebellion Set Airdrop, which is Nidhoggr. Come and find out a little more about Card Balancing and its Importance to the Game!

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Proposal 198 - Nidhoggr Adjustments






Source: Splinterlands


Proposal 198 was created by the folks at @thepeoplesguild with the goal of addressing possible adjustments to be made to the last card from the Rebellion Collection Airdrop, Nidhoggr, seeking to balance this new card since the community was dissatisfied with its stats and mana cost.

The Splinterlands team's idea for Nidhoggr seems to have been a card with very strong abilities like Force Reduction, but to balance it out they added a high mana cost when compared to the other Legendary Summoners in the Airdrop.


Source: Splinterlands


Among the adjustments proposed by The People's Guild we have the reduction of Nidhoggr's mana cost from 10 mana to 7, aiming to make it have the same mana cost as the other Airdrop summoners. However, leaving the card with the Force Reduction ability, which reduces the enemy team size by 1, would be very unbalanced, making the card extremely strong. Therefore, it was proposed to remove this ability (FORCE REDUCTION) from Nidhoggr. Furthermore, there would be a reduction in the card's Tactics from 3 to 2 monsters that could receive +2 Speed and Execute.


Source: Splinterlands


We can see that the card will receive a wide nerf in its abilities so that the amount of mana needed to use it will be reduced by 3. This already shows us that the community will often look for cards with a lower amount of mana, when compared to those that use more mana. The reason is that high mana consumption cards can only be used in games with a large mana pool, while low cost cards are mainly used when there is little mana available, but can also be used in games with a lot of mana.



Card Balancing



Source: Splinterlands


A new card won't always please everyone with their Abilities and Status, as we can see in the case of Nidhoggr, where the mana cost weighed more than the abilities for the community that was waiting for this card. However, the interesting thing about Splinterlands is precisely this: it can have strong cards, but only in some specific rules and situations.

Think about it this way, it wouldn't make sense for Nidhoggr to have these same stats and be a Neutral card with 0 mana cost, because it would go against Splinterlands' plan of encouraging players to have a larger collection of cards so that they can choose the best ones for each set of Rules and Mana. If there were a wild card in the game, it wouldn't make sense for players to have more cards and it would put an end to the whole idea of new collections and cards.



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