
Moonpots: A New Way to Earn Interest with a Chance to Win Big!

By JohnnyCode | CryptoJohnny | 19 Aug 2021

With cryptocurrencies' quick rally, after an expected correction in the market, new ways to earn on your investments are continuing to pop up. New to the Trust Wallet dApps, Moonpot has arrived and is giving an interesting take on staking. Moonpot currently has two staking pools that are funded through either $POTS or $CAKE. When you stake into either of the Moonpot pools you are automatically in the drawing for a monthly pot. Moonpot defines its platform as "providing a win-win prize game on the binance smart chain powered by Beefy.Finance".


The pot itself contains multiple cryptocurrencies that are split evenly between 5 to 10 winners depending on the pool entered. Keep in mind that you do not lose your staked currency. This is not the same as other crypto gambling for prize pools websites. You earn interest on your staked crypto just the same as any other staking platform. What’s special about Moonpot is that it provides not only a great APR on your staked crypto but the chance for one lucky member of the community to win big. The two prize pools together are currently over a million dollars and will be drawn at the end of the month.


Moonpot is providing a new way to invest while providing potential that only crypto can bring. Not only are you earning APR on the crypto you staked but you are earning bonus APR in other cryptocurrencies that are an additional byproduct of the pools themselves. Powered by Beefy.Finance it’s a given that Moonpot is backed by a well-established yield optimizer. They have provided a great win-win prize game on the Binance Smart Chain that rewards its community more than anything other staking platforms out there so far.

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