ETH 2.0 isn't going to change much

The ETH Merge Makes PoW Obsolete Forever?

I can't think of a more ludicrous statement. It was made by some Twitter rando, and I can't find the tweet, but you can give Twitter a quick look and see there are plenty of people saying it.

That's a huge problem in crypto — most people just repeating what other people just make up in a cynical/lazy attempt to engagement farm. And, everybody pretends to pick a team, but they'll switch just because something gets popular. I can't tell you how many dingdongs I've seen touting the praises of Solana just because one cash grab NFT project on Solana, y00ts, had a sellout on launch.

Anyone who thinks that Ethereum's change over to PoS will make PoW obsolete just really doesn't know what is going on. These are people that have just decided to believe one narrative over the other, probably because their natural biases cause their social media feeds to suggest one viewpoint over the other.

And I'm sure anyone reading this article who disagrees will just naturally assume I'm some BTC maxi. Quite the opposite. I can't think of a worse thing to be than a BTC maxi, as they are some of the most hypocritical people in the crypto space.

The truth is, the ETH PoS switch is a political move. The tech doesn't improve. Other PoW chains will increase their security as ETH miners move to retain their profits. There is actually an argument to be made that the ETH switch grows the PoW market.

Mark these words and come back to this article in a year's time. We'll see if all that garbage that people just make up actually holds water. And when it doesn't, you can say you heard it here first.


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