Domino blocks in a row

The Big Snort-Laugh: SVB and Signature Bank have collapsed! 😂 Sebastian Bach is still a tw*t.

Watching the Faithful Fiat Muppets getting their knickers in a knot over SVB and Signature collapsing is possibly one of the funniest things I've seen in the last twenty-four hours (even though I've watched a lot of Justin Hawkins critiquing things on YT in that way the British have of completely taking the mickey out of things while still managing to be polite). Did you not learn anything about the farcical antics of banksters all the way back in 2008? Perhaps those who're slow on the uptake might realise that now might be a good opportunity to funnel some fiat into crypto (as it usually is).

Janet Yeller says government isn't going to bail them out and people need not worry; their money is safe. I wonder for how long that lie will last. I give it two days at most. Then again, people have been believing lies about fiat actually having any backing/value since it came off the gold standard, so go figure.

In other news, one of the exchanges I use has apparently locked wallets over the weekend (or something like that), without going into the details of why. I hope it's not related. However, since I had less than $0.02 of BCH in it, I'm not concerned. I guess there are some small advantages to being poor. I'm not sure if the brief warning text message I received was legit or a phishing attempt, but it doesn't really matter to me because $0.02 wasn't worth the effort of following some arbitrary shortlink on the off chance it was actually going to give me a page with instructions on what to do next.  I'll update my BCH address for Noise at some point, all the same. It's not like I've earned a tip there since the beginning of February, so there isn't exactly a pressing need by any stretch of the imagination.

I don't understand Polyphia's music and I'm not sure I like it. However, that's a side consideration to the video of the drummer and guitar tech solving an issue with not hearing a click track. That was just straight-up awesome, especially since it gave me a chance to laugh at Sebastian Bach once again proving why he shouldn't be taken seriously and is really just a boomer tw*t with a guitar or six and ego the size of a housing estate. (Apparently, about five months ago, he got into an ill-advised Twitter spat with the frontman for Falling in Reverse, over the use of backing tracks in live concerts, getting himself well and truly owned. I should take snark tips from Radke; there's a lot I could learn.) In case you don't know whom Bach is, he was the lead singer for some obscure 70s/80s one-hit-wonder rock band called Skid Row. He hasn't seemed to have done anything worthwhile with his life since, AFAIK.

Tonight, I went out and had a greatly delicious large pizza and a beer on someone else's ticket, which was wonderful. I don't get out much, which suits me fine. My week seems to be off to a good start. I hope yours is too. Let's hope it lasts and soon I find work that doesn't slowly kill me, unlike the cant-think-outside-the-box muppets.

Thumbnail image: Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels

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Great White Snark
Great White Snark

I'm currently seeking fixed employment as a S/W & Web developer (C# & ASP .NET MVC, PHP 8+, Python 3), hoping to stash the farmed fiat and go full Crypto, quit the 07:30-18:00 grind. Unsigned music producer; snarky; white; balding; smashes Patriarchy.

Cryptographic Anarchy: (Mis)Adventures in Crypto
Cryptographic Anarchy: (Mis)Adventures in Crypto

The content of this blog is exclusively to do with online privacy/security, cryptography and cryptocurrency: Understanding it, investing in it, mining it (in groups/crowds), developing/programming it, the social problems it aims to solve and the various ways to make more of it (or not, as various losses and failures happen). Let's get away from banksters, Capitalists and fiat, to an unbanked anarcho-syndicalist commune. || Banner image: Blogger's own.

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