Goodbye, DDG; hello Presearch!

Goodbye DuckDuckGo, Hello Presearch!

I've just dropped DuckDuckGo like a hot potato, uninstalled the plugin, reported it to Mozilla (and recommended they look at promoting Presearch instead), filled out the "uninstallation survey", signed up with Presearch, added PRE to my Atom wallet, installled the Firefox plugin and followed the company/organisation here. As I type this, I'm in the process of configuring my account with it to give me the choice of search engines I want to use (including Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird plugins/extensions). Honestly, I am very happy with the transition so far (although it's very early days still, so watch this space.)

Next step: Run a node before the mainnet goes live and earn PRE/ETH while the token is still as cheap as chips.

A shout-out to the awesome CryptoPlankton for the recommendation. I hope you get plenty of PRE for referring me to it.

**Update:** Make sure you're logged into your Presearch account when using your browser's search/address bar with the Presearch plugin, or it (not including login functionality nor a reminder to you to log in) won't help you earn PRE for your searches. It's probably best to set the search engine's home page as the default for new tabs.

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Great White Snark
Great White Snark

I'm currently seeking fixed employment as a S/W & Web developer (C# & ASP .NET MVC, PHP 8+, Python 3), hoping to stash the farmed fiat and go full Crypto, quit the 07:30-18:00 grind. Unsigned music producer; snarky; white; balding; smashes Patriarchy.

Cryptographic Anarchy: (Mis)Adventures in Crypto
Cryptographic Anarchy: (Mis)Adventures in Crypto

The content of this blog is exclusively to do with online privacy/security, cryptography and cryptocurrency: Understanding it, investing in it, mining it (in groups/crowds), developing/programming it, the social problems it aims to solve and the various ways to make more of it (or not, as various losses and failures happen). Let's get away from banksters, Capitalists and fiat, to an unbanked anarcho-syndicalist commune. || Banner image: Blogger's own.

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