how to run a windows ravencoin node

How to run a full Ravencoin node on Windows

By TheNavvie | CryptoExplained | 11 Jun 2021

Ravencoin, the coin you want to mine

With Ethereum becoming increasingly more difficult to mine, and with ETH 2.0 just around the corner/a long way off, miners are looking for their next place to dig.

Enter, Ravencoin (RVN). Easily mineable on anything from a GTX 1050Ti upwards, and with a 3070 able to generate just shy of 50 coins a day. That's a potential tidy profit of $3.49 vs Ethereums $3.67. And, who doesn't like having more coins in their wallet. Plus, 50 coins a day is what you used to be able to mine from Bitcoin back in the day.

If you want to know how to mine ravencoin. Check out my other article.

Why run a node?

Nodes are what help the network verify transactions on the blockchain, and you get to be a part of this amazing blockchain. They keep things secure and help speed things up. Best of all, if you're machine is already running while mining then the impact to you is next to zero, just a little bit of disk space.

Lets get started

Step 1 - Download Ravencore

Just visit to grab yourself the signed, windows installer and get that installed on your computer.

Step 2 - Run Ravencore

Run the newly installed Ravencore app 7cf9d6c9c35d3ab5b1b780a2eef4aea7e17af7ee720bf15947c82a33ff0c55b6.png from the start menu. 

You will now see that it is Syncing Headers 678c8bc70bec3dd188cbb9831777f49f8c74f2d69465e02fa41f52d575cbc3b8.png 

Just let this run. The time it takes will depend on your bandwidth but should only take a few hours.

Step 3 - Configure Ravencore

Now we must allow incoming connections. Don't worry, its perfectly secure.

Click on Wallet in the menu and select Options


Click on Network and enable Map port using UPnP. If you prefer to map ports yourself you will need to map port 8767 to your machine.


Step 4

That's it, you have just configured a ravencoin node. Eventually you will find yourself in the list on as you play your part and strenghten the network.

Verify everything is working

From the main page just check that you have some incoming connections. This will take around 15 minutes before you start seeing some In connections.



Download, run, enable connections and that's it. You now run a node on the Ravencoin blockchain. You are part of what makes this whole crypto world great.

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