Lightspark Extend: UMA Address on the Lightspark Wallets for Lightning Network

By Novasky | DevPress | 9 Sep 2024

I love lightning payments. They are easy to accept and they have good wallets available like lifpay and others to use and spend. Lightspark is one such wallet that is in circulation for users too. 

USA needs lightning and bitcoin desperately. They are going through alot of financial censorship that they would be needing the UMA based wallets soon. Though they have similar like the FedNOW but they have it centralized.

Incase if you want something that is decentralized, it would be reasonable to say that you can have your own wallet name and then get the Lightspark wallet that connects to the same.

So the Lightspark team is launching the Lightspark Extend feature. This would allow the UMA usage in the Lightspark wallet.



Is this more socialized and decentralized way to get paid? Yes.

In case of the lightning wallets getting the funds and making sure to confirm them, there would be the transaction hash being shown and it would be trackable on the chain too. So the Spark is making sure to do what is required for the security and verification.

UMA’s way of the email like address which are easy to remember make it easier to remember and send the funds.

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