Axon : India's Answer to Raspberry Pi Boards

By Novasky | DevPress | 15 Aug 2024

Raspberry Pi have dominated the market for years. And it is getting difficult to import them and build your solutions around. As the china gets dominant with the tinkering boards and hacking kits like these, there are other alternatives coming into the market. BananaPi, and many other similar tinkering kits are also being sold. But Raspberry Pi continues to stay favourite in all of this. 

India has a company named Vicharak which is venturing into the similar solutions like Raspberry Pi. And they have this board named Axon. Currently it is yet to get  in full production and is in pre order mode. 


They have the 8GB variants which are pre booked and being sold fast. One of the variant with eMMC is currently in pre book mode too. You can check it out here. It's prices are likely to be around Raspberry Pi price so you can expect that price in native currency once it is launched. 


Youtube is currently loaded with the influencers posting the videos where they got the boards along with the Ubuntu MATE pre installed with it. For those like the Ubuntu desktop would find this one more usable. And MATE being the low resource desktop is a perfect option for the 8GB variant of AXON. 

These boards are perfect for hosting Nostr node, Lightning network nodes, Alby Hub node, and many of those storage hubs or the cloud servers installed and ready to use. There are youtube videos testing the low RAM LLM models and turns out those tests are successful too. So I'd say AXON has now found a hacker community who like to test and tinker with the solutions. 

You can check out the Vicharak store here to know more.

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