My Thoughts on Current Markets-233

The movement in Dax occurred a little earlier than I expected and we reached a new peak. After a while, it will reach our target price of 22000. The support to be followed below is now 20000.

Nasdaq tested the channel bottom with a shock sale last Monday. However, it closed the week in the positive zone by healing its wounds during the week. 19700 is now our main support point. If we are above it, there is no problem, declines will continue to be buy. Technically, there is a bull flag formation in the short. If we can manage to stay above 21000 this week, a new all-time high is inevitable. The main target is the 23000 - 25000 range, the zigzag dimensions will continue to be wide. The sell at the new peak, gradual buy at declines strategy continues. The main stop point is 19700.

We reached the level of 2720 in ounce gold and received some rejection. I don't look for a 3-4 peak in such formations, if you knock on the door enough, it will open. In short, declines can be tolerated up to 2650. The main support remained at 2550, declines above this level will continue to buy gradually, and increases will continue to sell gradually. The target price expectation of 3400 - 3500 in 2025 continues.

The zig-zag process continues in ounce silver. In order to see sharp movements above, 31.50 and 32.50 should be passed clearly in the short, then we will talk about the 38 - 40 band. The target price in 2025 continues as 50+ dollars. The level of 27.50 is in the support position.

The declines in Eur - Usd have now slowed down and started to accumulate. As long as we do not lose 1.02 permanently, I expect a reaction. In the first stage, 1.05 resistance will come to the agenda, then 1.08. Sags below 1 dollar are a sign that the market will deteriorate.

Dxy continues its breathless rise. There is no problem on the inflation side. They cannot lower this level because only the bonds sold automatically convert to dollars. When the US 10-year bonds loosen up a bit, we will see this level collapse as well. The 110 risk zone continues, staying above it may cause trouble. 108.50 should be broken for the sake of relaxation.

I think this could be the last rise if there is no extreme geopolitical risk in Brent oil. The medium-term target price is $50, as long as the 85-90 zone is not permanently exceeded, all exits will continue to be sell.

The product that everyone rebelled against, USD - JPY, experienced a decrease in demand. It was like there was no one left in the market to open a "USD - JPY sell". The Asian side is trying to move towards the Chinese mentality. However, I think this will not be very good for their country. Yes, technical indicators show 180 - 200 or even 220, but I think this is not that term. If we examine the lower levels first, we may see sharper increases later. We have 2 scenarios; either we have to fall from here or from a new peak.

Let's not get tired of Bitcoin falling again every week, the zig-zag process continues. They do not even allow declines due to ETF demand. The band can break upwards at any time. The path is clear, the medium-term target price range is 150,000 - 180,000, if they exaggerate, 200,000 can come to the agenda.

Now, 4100 must be clearly passed for Ethereum dominance, then there will be an altcoin rally. Hopelessness, boredom, the feeling of the rally is over has been processed superbly. Now people will run away from here when they see 2x - 3x, then heavy regret. Some people ask why, the bull cycle is fixed. The bull will last for 15 - 18 months after the halving. 15 months = June 2025, 18 months = September 2025 summer bull possibility should be considered. Because the summer bull has only been seen once in history. If this market is going to be subject to a global meltdown as I expect (between the last quarter of 2025 and the first quarter of 2026), everyone should be in. This month's close will be decisive.

The information, comments and recommendations contained herein are not within the scope of investment consultancy. Investment consultancy services are provided within the framework of the investment consultancy agreement to be signed between brokerage firms, portfolio management companies, banks that do not accept deposits and customers. The comments in this article are only my personal comments and these comments may not be appropriate for your financial situation and risk return. For this reason, investments should not be made based on the information and comments in my articles.

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