
How I optimize my Callisto - CLO earnings?

FREE CLO FAUCETFree  official Callisto wallet

This time, i give you little trick to optimize your earnings (or to make good old bagholder's loss) for CLO Callisto. You won't instantly be rich but it's an opportunity to claim some CLO. Let's discover this coin, what you can hope from mining and how to boost your gains by faucet claiming and cold staking.

Have fun ;)


CLO is ranking 848th on CoinMarketCap (whaou...) and is sold around $0,000648.

According to CoinMarketCap and Callisto Whitepaper CLO is "a decentralized open-source platform based on Ethereum protocol.

The main goal of the Callisto Network is to improve the security of the cryptography ecosystem by enhancing smart-contract development methods and the environment.

The main features of Callisto Network are:

  • free security audits for smart contracts
  • cold staking, which is a passive income system supported natively by crypto-wallets"


  • Mining with GPU

Callisto, as a Proof Of Work (POW) blockchain's consensus, can be mined with Etash algorythm and GPUs.

I've tried to mine it for some days with my 4 AMD Radeon VII GPU's and Claymore Miner. Results are satisfying         Radeon VII

440 CLO / day

CLO per day

HASH AND REWARDS (source: WhatToMine)

Gains per day


  • Using the free CLO FAUCET - Claim every 30 minutes - withdrawal : min. 100 CLO  - Less efficient than the mining method but it's free


create CLO wallet

  • Choose "Start Staking"

clo ok

  • Enter the Amount to stake and choose "Yes I'm sure, make transaction"

staking clo end

  • Wait 27 days and claim Reward
  • Re-do the operation each time and enjoy earning !!!

Be Cool, Be Crypto

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