Leveling up Prestige at Golem Overlord

Prestige level has quite and influence in Golem Overlord*. I made a habit of replenishing its progress regularly and leveling up as soon as it is possible. As it is now.

Upgrading from Prestige 22 Level 50 To Prestige 23 Level 49... and this is how much I need to reach next Prestige level.




40 K needed Reputation, converted from invested XP (experience) if I replenish it on time since it keeps burning out. With a rate of 57.5 XP per hour this gives good 29 days. Please, remind me about it this time of month in January :)

Referral system at Golem Overlord*

Links to the game in this article, marked wit an asterisk, are referral links. Why?




You join and enjoy the game I earn a little bit because I brought you in. Then you repeat the feat and introduce somebody else to Golem Overlord*. Simple as that.

Golem Overlord* articles

14.10.2024 - Airdrop Vault Launch at Golem Overlord
22.03.2024 - Golem Overlord - VIP Status
11.03.2024 - Golem Overlord - Pinnacle Blacksmith's Claim Pass III - open now
15.01.2024 - Golem Overlord - guild, quests, achievements, keeping pace

better and better
:ervin :lemark

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