Earn TKO Toko token on CoinMarketCap

By cryptoball | CryptoBall | 1 Aug 2021

Earn TKO Toko token on CoinMarketCap

You need a Binance account for this. If you don’t already have one, you can use the link below and get 10% back from your trading fees:


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In what year was Tokocrypto established?

What is Tokocrypto Token called?
TKO / Toko Token

What kind of unique token is Toko Token / TKO ?
Hybrid token

As an exchange platform token, TKO offers airdrop entitlement, 
merchandise redemption, and …
All of the above

Where can you buy and trade TKO ?

5 Utilities of TKO as a Hybrid Token are : Exchange Platform 
Token,CeFi and DeFi, Farming Pools, Lending Platform and …
Toko Mall

For Farming Pools what can users do with TKO? Users can 
lock/stake their TKOs and earn other tokens 
for free in a farming pool of their choice.

I made this tutorial in a hurry, if you find something fishy please contact me/leave a comment. Thanks!

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