Altcoins that might explode in 2021

The altcoins listed below are ones I think will go to the Moon or a bit further to Mars. There's no guarantee it will happen.

1.Polkadot ($DOT)

I've been trading this recently and gained a decent amount of profits. The coin has potential. I think the multi parallelized transactions thing is pretty neat. It's currently worth around $44USD at the time of this writing.

Source: CoinMarketCap

2.Chainlink ($LINK)

The only reason I know about this coin is through memes. Memes are mighty weapons. Any good meme can go viral quickly. Memes about chainlink would spread the word about chainlink. Chainlink also has smart contracts. It's worth around $30USD.

Source: CoinMarketcap

3.Ripple ($XRP)

Ripple's price is highly volatile. In just 15 minutes, the price can dip suddenly and stopping you out. Ripple's volatility can result in the price to explode at any moment also. Another good thing is this coin can't be mined and has rapid transactions. Ripple is worth around $0.6USD at the time writing this.

Source: CoinMarketCap

4. Foxdcoin ($FOXD)

This cryptocurrency is very new and pretty unknown. Foxdcoin's mining difficulty is so easy that you can mine with a potato laptop and profit still. Miners with Nvidia RTX GPUs are mining and getting heaps of profit for sure it's going to explode soon. 

Click here to find more about foxdcoin

Source: CoinGecko

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