SCAM OR LEGIT ? DogeBitsFree

By andrej | crypto slovak man | 28 Dec 2020

Hey guys !

I was testing this faucet to give you true information about it.

You can earn doge bits on this faucet. 1 Doge bits equals 0,1 DOGE.

A few days I was earning bits only by a Roll. You roll a number and depends on which number you roll you get some bits.  Also here was offerwalls, so I did some surveys. 

Minimum withdrawal amount to your DOGE wallet is 100 DOGE but you can also withdrawal by FaucetPay (minimum 20 DOGE). I tried it throught FaucetPay, immediately after withdrawal I got my DOGE here. Than I withdrawal from FaucetPay to my wallet on Coinomi. No problems. 100% legit.


Click here and start earning DOGE

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