If crypto.com's business model was a rap song

By LeftFooted | Crypto Rap Lyrics | 15 Nov 2022

Hello and welcome to a new blog.

I've named it Crypto Rap Lyrics because I write about crypto, but I also like rap music.

Many, many, many years ago - way before all of this started - I actually began writing rap lyrics. For fun.

So I thought it would be fun to combine these two things.

How does it work? So basically every week (hopefully more than once a week), I'll pick a song I like (usually rap music) and rewrite the lyrics - on the same melody - using this week's news as inspiration.

I've already talked about the FTX fiasco using Eminem's Lose Yourself as a base.

Today I'm gonna talk about Crypto.com's dubious business model using P.I.M.P by 50 Cent & Snopp Dogg.

I don't know what you heard about me,

but I'm the best CEX that'd ever be,

crypto card, wallet, high fees,

I'm the crypto world's moth*****ing OG

Now, baby, you in da club, have your check made out in CRO

Want to replenish your pot 'cause your CRO ain't worth much no mo

You got a thing for that BNB, that MATIC, that AVA

But ditch all that and get CRO 'cause it's hotter than lava

We promise high APY 'cause we want you,

We probably buy the stadium you go to,

A hour later we have a cash crunch and a hack, too

The IRS, SEC say they think about us

So we'll just splash more cash, more CRO, more dollars

You like our card? Like our perks? Like the way we ad?

Use our card? We'll remove your perks '- was this just a fad?

You now have millions of CRO worth next to nothing

The cashback gone, but we'll give you a couple free CRO or something

Look, baby, this is simple, didn't you know?

You workin' with us, all you get is some damn CRO

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I’m a left-footed duck that loves writing. I write about cars, watches, craft beer and, you’ve guessed it, crypto Also active on read.cash

Crypto Rap Lyrics
Crypto Rap Lyrics

This week's crypto news... using rap lyrics I wrote

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