Why I think Huobi exchange is the best choice for newcomers

By qsyal | Crypto Pro | 18 Dec 2020


Crypto markets have evolved so much since their birth, and in response to that, many top exchanges have developed their services and offered new professional tools for experienced traders.
This is so good and fitting for veteran users, but at the same time, it creates a kind of gap between beginners and experts.
Binance, Kucoin, hotbit , all are good places for trading if not being incredibly complex for a beginner. Too complicated screens, so many options, as well as compulsory KYC Policy are always the reasons which keep many new users away from the market.

Well, what if I told you that there is an exchange that offers all complicated services for experts and the most simplistic ones for beginners. Sounds cool, right?

Whats is Huobi exchange?

It's a high-profile exchange platform that launched in 2013, meaning that it's one of the earliest crypto adopters out there.
Huobi exchange takes the mission of covering both basic as well as advanced trading features. It has benefited from its relatively long history in crypto to improve and develop services and satisfy loyal clients.
It provides users in over 170 countries with safe, professional, and trusted trading services.
According to CoinMarketCap, it ranks comfortably in third place in terms of traffic, liquidity, trading volumes, and confidence.



How to sign up with Huobi exchange?

  1. Go to the official site from here: https://www.huobi.com/en-us/
  2. Click on "sigh up" from the top right corner.
  3. You have two ways to register either via email or phone number.
  4. Submit a strong password (It is recommended to contain upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and punctuation marks).
  5. Wait for a confirmation message to your email inbox or phone.
  6. Congrats. you're good to go.

Safety and security are the MOST important things you should get wherever you want to trade with your money. Huobi exchange takes this issue seriously and provides tools to ensure the safety of clients' funds.
So, it is highly recommended to bind your account with 2FA Google authentication which plays the role of the second layer of protection when withdrawing funds.



Welcome bonus...

You can register on Huobi in as little as 30 seconds, and once you're in, you'll receive a generous welcome gift.
You can see in the image below attractive tasks with a gift for each of them which enable you to earn up to $170.
You will notice that these tasks are grouped into two sections:

  1. Basic tasks that are carefully made for the purpose to help beginners get the hang of using the platform in the most enjoyable and profitable way...
  2. Advanced tasks which are made for the purpose to encourage experienced traders to keep using the platform with more volumes and liquidity.

No-KYC policy:

In an effort to remove obstacles preventing novices from entering the market, Huobi Global allows users to register and trade without KYC documentation, this will enable beginners to achieve the basic level LV.1 with just a simple email.
There will be however limits on withdrawal.
With No-KYC you can withdraw up to: 0.1 BTC, 2.5 ETH, 1500 USDT per day, but if you want to exceed these limits, you can easily submit KYC documentation.



Smartphone application:

Huobi Global seeks to enable as many users as possible to use the platform and reach the largest segment of people, and in this contest, they launched a smartphone app available for both Android and IOS.
You can log in to the app and manage your account directly from your smartphone. It enables you to deposit, trade, and withdraw at every moment you want. I think it is a good step because we always have a smartphone in our pocket which not the case with our computers. If you are like me who love to take a glance at the market every two minutes, this app will be perfect for you.
However, if you want to do an analysis or take a deep look into the market, using a regular computer is always the best choice.
You can use these links to download:
I've downloaded this app on my android phone, so allow me to show you some of what you can do with it.

  1. Open the app after you've downloaded it
  2. A pop-out window will appear asking you to agree on privacy policy, click on "agree" if you are satisfied.
  3. Click on "Next"
  4. That's it! You can enjoy watching and managing your account via your smartphone.

Huobi & Hive:


Huobi exchange enables Hive users to withdraw their earned Hives to their account on the exchange directly and without any third party.
How to do that?
Well, it is simpler than what you might think..

  1. Go to "Balances" on the top right corner

  2. click on "exchange account deposit and withdrawal"

  3. Write "Hive" in the search box if couldn't find it.

  4. click on "deposit"

  5. You can see now your "deposit address" and "tag", keep them.



  6. Go to your wallet on Hive

  7. Click on "transfer"



  8. submit your address and memo that your kept from step 5

  9. Click on "Next", then "OK"

That's it. After some network confirmations your transaction will arrive to your Huobi account.






Huobi & Steemit:

Huobi exchange enables Steemit users to withdraw their earned steem to their account on the exchange directly and without any third party.
How to do that?

  1. Go to "Balances" on the top right corner

  2. click on "exchange account deposit and withdrawal"

  3. Write "steem" in the search box if couldn't find it.

  4. click on "deposit"

  5. You can see now your "deposit address" and "tag", keep them.

  6. Go to your wallet on steem

  7. Click on "transfer"



  8. submit your address and memo that your kept from step 5

  9. Click on "Next", then "OK"

That's it. After some network confirmations your transaction will arrive to your Huobi account.




What do you guys think about Huobi exchange?
I'm really keen to know your opinions and thoughts...

Thank you for reading :))

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