Confessions of a Frightened HODLer

By LearnMeGood | The Crypto Idiot | 11 Dec 2023

Hey guys,

I've got a question.  Are we currently in a Bear Market?  A Bull Market?  A Duckbilled Platypus Market?

I really don't know, but out on the interwebs a whole lot of people know.  People on the interwebs know everything.  They know how much a Bitcoin will be worth in 2025, who will be the next president, even what day the world will end.  Like I said, they know EVERYTHING.  Except they're frequently wrong.  Usually wrong, even.

Because what they pass of as knowledge is really just their opinion - regardless of how many times they state it as fact and insult anyone who dares disagree.  It's like my grandpappy always used to say - "Opinions are like garbage bins.  Everybody's got one, and most of them stink." 

Only he used a different word in place of "garbage bins."

So, since nobody really knows where we're going, I'm here to state a fact, and not an opinion.  And that is... I don't know what the hell I'm doing!  And thus the confessions part of the title.

I may not know a ton about cryptocurrency, but I also bought in at the peak heights, right before the crash.  So, as Carl from Caddyshack would say, I've got that going for me.

The wonders and allures of crypto were presented to me in December of 2021.  It was a magical time.  A Matrix sequel that nobody had asked for ruled the box office.  John Madden and Betty White were set to celebrate milestone birthdays.  And Mariah Carey was on the radio every 3 minutes, telling everyone all she wanted for Christmas was me.  It was the perfect storm, and with a couple of young coworkers pushing the joys and excitement of buying these things called Sol, and Eth, and Beets, how could any sane man resist?

I started with Bitcoin, of course, then bought almost a whole Eth, and then accidentally bought anther whole Eth.  Then I discovered Kava, and Atom and Osmo, and pretty soon I was hip-deep in virtual funny money.

Fast-forward to December of 2023, and my portfolio has over half a million coins of various shapes, colors, and flavors, and a large amount of money spent (I tell my wife it's somewhere between 1 and 1 million dollars), and I feel like maybe, just maybe I may be close to breaking even again.  Or at least close to the ramping up period where I'll break even?

See, I haven't actually lost any money, since I haven't sold anything.  No, I've been HODLing like a mo-fo.  I'm stubborn that way.  If I bought a coin at $80 (I'm looking at you, AVAX), I sure as hell ain't selling at $7!  I'm not one of those "buy high, sell low" idiots you always hear about.  No sirree, I'm a totally different type of idiot!  I'm the guy that will risk that $80 coin going to 0!

I've also invested a lot into pools and yield farms, especially in the Fantom ecosystem, and that has definitely been a hit-or-miss proposition.  1/5 stars, would not recommend, will not be doing that (much) in the future.

So now, I feel like I'm playing the waiting game.  And, like Homer Simpson says, the waiting game sucks - who's up for Hungry Hungry Hippos?

But I'd love to hear your comments and experiences!  Share in the comments below!  Or just confirm what an idiot I am!


If you like my writing, please consider tipping me here and leaving a comment, and if you want to read even more, check out my books on Amazon!  The first one is called Learn Me Good, and it's all about rookie teacher Jack Woodson who goes through a baptism of fire after leaving his engineering job and teaching a rowdy group of third graders.

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Wanna be author, already be father

The Crypto Idiot
The Crypto Idiot

I'm new to crypto. It shows. Let's learn from my experiences together! Written by a former teacher, current analyst. I've raised a family, I've written novels, I've even won money on game shows. But I've never gotten into the world of alt-coins, until now.

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