We continue to keep Ethereum in the foreground

By hgjk | Crypto News from Akbar | 18 Jun 2020

We continue to keep Ethereum in the foreground


Technical image is positive

Ethereum 233.34 USDT (+ 0.02%)

     Although Ethereum has recently displayed a more positive outlook compared to Bitcoin, we see that it has occasionally diverged positively in terms of price increase. Although Ethereum, which we have brought to the forefront recently, the transaction fees that appeared last week caused a decline, its recovery was also so fast. Ethereum, which diverged from Bitcoin this morning, remains technically on the uptrend.


Technically, the tightening in the Bolliger bands continues and although it is close to the Ethereum support regions, which move within the middle-lower band, while holding an average of 50 days, the adhesions here can be expected to drop itself from the level of 233 USDT to 250 USDT. This jam, which occurred according to the Bollinger working principle, may indicate an upward break. You can set the main support and stop point as 217 USDT level, you can also create a process band between the two Fibonacci correction levels. We have also indicated in the chart for visual support.


ETH, Daily chart


Resistors: 238/244/252

Supports: 225/221/216

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