DogeLand...please stand-by...

By Gamerents | Crypto Newbie Corner | 11 Apr 2021

First off I would like to thank those of you who read let alone joined the drivel that I spewed about DogeLand. I was particularly excited to see what it would mean for me now that I had added a couple of referrals to my DogeLand account.

However this morning when I woke up and opened up my phone I was suprised to find this:

It would appear that they were having some problems.

So I went on with my day and figured I would come back to them later in my day thinking that they would possibly resolve the issue at hand by that time.....


It appears as though things have escalated.

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Father.Son.Part-time Robot

Crypto Newbie Corner
Crypto Newbie Corner

I'm just a crypto newbie just trying to make it in a big new crypto world.

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