End of the season Glint spending and basic math - statistics and probabilities

  Motto: I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

(Thomas Jefferson)



This was a good season with 327K Glint at the end of the season. So, let's buy stuff! I started with a Legendary, for luck. Regular, of course.


Then all the 300 Minor chests from the first batch, with no Alchemy potions. Not profitable enough to use it on them. Got 15 Energy (if I win half of them, 8K Glint), 5 Epic cards worth 37K Glint, 2 Gold Common cards (another 7K Glint) and loads of Rare and Common cards.

Next, 100 Rare cards, with no Alchemy, again, not profitable. Out of 100 cards, 3 were Gold.

Next, a bit of a wild bet, 150 Major chests, for 150K. Will this make it worth the effort? I did got 2 Legendary, some Epics, 2 Common Gold, 35 Energy (making at least 17-20K Glint as I play) and many, many Common and rare cards. Not to count around 20K Merits, meaning 10 new Gladiator packs. Probably profitable enough, as I can count at least 160K Glint worth of cards without even counting the potions and the Rare/Common cards. With only 7K Glint left, I will spend the rest on Merits.

As a review, this is what I had before and after buying the cards.

Common Regular - before, 7 level 9 left to upgrade, and after, 2 cards maxed up, and only 5 level 9 left to upgrade, much closer to the task:



Common Gold - before, 2 level 9, 5 level 8, 4 level 7 and one level 6, and after, same levels, with no change:


Rare Regular - before, 8 level 7 and 4 level 6, and after, one max level 8, yay, and 11 level 7 to max up:


Rare Gold - before, 2 level 5, 2 level 4, 2 level 3 and 5 level 2, and after, 2 of the level 2 cards upgraded to level 3:



Epic Regular - before, 4 level 4 and 3 level 3, and after, same levels, with some cards close to upgrade. I may save 75K to buy 10 of them:


Epic Gold - before, 1 level 3 and 3 level 2, and after, same, no new cards:


Legendary Regular - before, 4 level 2 and 7 level 1, and after, the same, but I do have 2 of them one card away from level 3:


Legendary Gold - before, only one level 2, and after, no new one:


​In the end, I used all the merits to get some 24 Gladiator packs. What did I got? One Legendary, 9 Epic, 29 Rare, 2 Gold Common and the rest of it, just regular Common cards.




And with this, the shopping spree is done.
See you again in two weeks!


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