Bitcoin Sv has gained almost 11% in its price, EOS has gained almost 8% in its price, Ethereum classic has gained 9% in its price, Monero has gained almost 4% in its price and Tron has gained 4% in its price. Here a price analysis of five cryptocurrencies.
Bitcoin SV/USD
Bitcoin SV is at $301.03 with a gain of 12.11% in its price in the previous 24 hours. Bitcoin SV with its 24 hours high will be at $308.77 and 24 hours low will be at $266.12.
EOS is at $4.50 with a gain of 8.08% in its price in the previous 24 hours. EOS with its 24 hours high will be at $4.53 and 24 hours low will be at $4.13.
Ethereum Classic/USD
Ethereum classic is at $12.51 with a gain of 9.17% in its price. Ethereum classic with its 24 hours high will be at $12.60 and 24 hours low will be at $11.27.
Tron is at $0.020192 with a gain of 4.54% in its price in the previous 24 hours. Tron with its 24 hours high will be at $0.020384 and 24 hours low will be at $0.019067.
Monero is at $78.55 with a gain of 4.81% in its price in the previous 24 hours. Monero with its 24 hours high will be at $78.55 and 24 hours low will be at $73.79.