Bitcoin finding it's way to $10k.

By haidernasir | Crypto Geek | 5 Nov 2019

The most prominent cryptocurrency, which is bitcoin is finally regaining its position above $10kBitcoin is at $9,294.19 with a gain of 1.51% in its price in the previous 24 hours.
In the previous 24 hour, the lowest bitcoin went is $9,112.41 at 02:45:00 GMT on November 4 and highest it went is $9,314.43 at 19:59:59 GMT in the previous 24 hours. Here a graphical representation of bitcoin price:


Bitcoin with its expected 24 hours high will be at $9,323.38 and expected 24 hours low will be at $9,074.38. Price change in bitcoin price is $118.58.

Image credit to Coindesk

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