
CryptoRoyale - Play to Earn Game | ROY token on Harmony

By The Glitcher | Crypto Games Daily | 7 Nov 2021



Today, we are going to learn about another interesting play to earn game called Crypto Royale. This game is very popular and has interesting game play similar to rock paper scissors. 

The game got 2 designs - old and new.

Old design collision rule



Every player is represented as a sphere and the game got colored boxes which change the color of the sphere and provide health. Initially, everyone gets 100xp to start with. 

For example, when blue collides with red, the health of red gets reduced by 50% and blue gains 50% of red's health. We can point in the direction we want to move and  can also mouse click to boost the speed by which we loses 25% of the health.  Same applies to other colored spheres. 


New design collision rule



Mobile Controls


In mobile, first finger is to provide direction and then double tap is for boosting in the pointed direction. Mobile is comparatively tougher to play than PC. 





There are four modes in the game.

  • Training - We have reduced rewards and can practice against bots
  • Ranked - Can fight for prizes and get achievements, ratings. 
  • Lowstakes and highstakes - pay to enter and if wins, out with more. 
  • Tournament 
    • Daily(Monday to Saturday) - There are four daily tournaments (0200 UTC, 0800 UTC, 1400 UTC, 2000 UTC)
    • Sunday - (1500 UTC) 




In modes other than tournament, the winner might have a chance to win higher ROYALE (ROY token) . Usually the matches involve 7 players, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2(One vs One). 10 player matches are rare. The tournaments are rewarding for everyone based on the points they scored. The rating is combination of lucky boxes collected, Skills and wins. Tournament prizes are awarded either in ROY or crypto of the week. 


ROY is token on Harmony mainnet. We need a little bit of ONE for withdrawing ROY to metamask and we can use viperswap to convert ROY to ONE or to supported tokens. It is recommended to have ONE in wallet for withdrawing ROY.


Staking Rewards


Currently, players can earn 86% APY by holding ROY in the in-game wallet or by staking ROY from their wallet such as metamask. 


Skins in New Design


In design, the game brought skins for the spheres and they can be traded as NFTs.  Each skin has limited supply and some will be dropped by winning games. 



At current price, playing tournaments and  playing ranked will give you a decent amount of ROY like 100-150 worth 3-4 USD daily which will compound very soon. 

The game is stored in local cache and connecting to discord is usually preferred to recover the in-game wallet and also for +10% rewards. 



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