BetFury! Earn BTC Daily Without Betting?

BetFury is an online crypto currency casino.

Everytime you make a bet at you earn some ingame tokens called BFG.

These token come in two different types, BFG(BTC) and BFG(TRX).

When betting with BTC or ETH you earn some BFG(BTC), depending on how much you bet, win or loose you earn BFG.

When betting with TRX,USDT,BTT or SUN you will earn some BFG(TRX), again depending on how much you bet, win or loose you earn this.

With this BFG you game use it to enter auctons can have the chance of winning some BTC or TRX.

You can also gamble with for the chance of winning more BFG.

Even though BFG really doesn't have any real value, Betfury will pay you for saving on to your BFG tokens each day.

The rate you earn from these daily but at the moment you earn about 0.00000001 BTC for every 3.4 BFG Tokens you have.

At the moment I roughly have about 1700 BFG (BTC) tokens save up, and it didn't take me long to earn.

From the 1700 BFG(BTC) on my account  I earn the following from the staking rewards program:

  • 0.00000476 BTC.
  • 0.00001190 ETH.
  • 0.06342972 TRX.
  • 0.00054128 USDT.
  • 0.30586604 BTT.

You can earn that much just daily from that rewards program from just saving you BFG, and the best this is if you don't spend it at the auctions or loose it gambling trying to make more BFG (which i would advice against), it can only got up.

but think of the potential, if you saved up enough to get 100k BFG(BTC) you could earn the following.

PER DAY:                   PER MONTH:               PER QUARTER:

0.00028409 BTC.     0.00852285 BTC         0.02556857 BTC 

0.00071125 ETH.     0.02133760 ETH         0.06401281 ETH

3.70556908 TRX.     111.167072 TRX         333.501217 TRX

0.03183538 USDT.  0.95506159 USDT      2.86518478 USDT

17.9821515 BTT.     539.464546 BTT          1618.39364 BTT


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