After Threat Elon Musk Buys Russia

By Toadsticker | Crypto Collector | 9 May 2022

Russia may have bitten off more than it could chew. They seem to have threatened a man who has a better space program than they do.

Accused of supplying Fascist forces in Ukraine with communication equipment, Russia claimed he would be held accountable. 

However in a bizarre twist Musk Tweeted that he had just tendered an offer for the entire nation of Russia, and that it had been accepted.

"I soon hope to end all this stupid fighting and get back to vodka production." He tweeted in the wee hours of the morning. "I plan on bringing jobs to Siberia, and free energy to rest of the world soon."

Musk could not be reached to confirm these tweets or offer further comment at the time of this publication.


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