XRP rise more

By Yugocean | Crypto Champion | 1 Dec 2024

Dethorns BNB with a $100B+ Market Cap       

     XRP is now even more than $100B market Cap. In a surprise market movement, XRP has flipped BN from 5th ranking. At around $2, XRP is doing better in the crypto Market amid most of the crypto users are avoiding XRP since Chris Larsen 's anti crypto promotion campaign.     


Rise and Shine      

     For the past few days, I have been witnessing everyday advances in XRP, which is currently trading at about $2 (it has already surpassed $1.9). Bulls are not assured in a volatile marlet, but XRP HODLers and short-term and daily traders are taking pleasure in the steady increase over the past few days.



Ripple to launch Stablecoin

     The diplomatic efforts of Ripple are the key to the growing market for XRP. Ripple labs is almost ready to launch its stablecoin, RLUSD. It is anticipated that Ripple would receive support in early December for the diplomacy that it is conducting with NYDFS.



Already Published in parts at Grill and as Thread at Wubits

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