
WazirX Announces Great Award for Whitehats & Bounty Hunters

By Yugocean | Crypto Champion | 23 Jul 2024

Whitehats & Bounty Hunters called

     WazirX has announced a Bounty to recover stolen funds. Initial Bounty was 10k USDT fortracking & freezing the funds, and 5% ($11.5M) White Hat reward; however due to diffuculty in tracking (on feedback of ZachXBT), whitehat reward is increased to 10% ($23M).


Hacker on the Move

     The hacker’s movements continue, with blockchain security firm PeckShield tracking and discovering that the hacker transferred 16,350 Ether stolen from WazirX to two new addresses.



     In my opinion, WazirX has a long hand behind this. When users of WazirX were not able to withdraw, how did a hacker succeed in withdrawing from it? This is not how CEX works. This is possible only if WazirX deliberately kept a withdrawal fund that was simply out of reach of its users.

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