From pexel, edited in app

Pi Token listing and First Scam of 2023

By Yugocean | Crypto Champion | 2 Jan 2023

The Pi Token listing on Huobi is being considered the first scam of 2023.

The Huobi Listiy and The Pi Denial Rises Suspicions 

   On December 29, Huobi listed the Pi token for spot trading.

The Pi-hodlers immediately flocked to Huabi, but it was more than a surprise when Pi refused to acknowledge this.

The value of Pi

This will shock the crypto world; it seems that the value of the Pi token is being created out of thin air.

Justin Sun began trying to persuade the Pi community.

People are Suspicious

Hight Class of Scam

Some smaller exchanges followed Huobi's lead, one platform named as Atlantis Exchange even put Pi token for $10k in what looks to be an obvious scam.


     Pi traders can neither deposit nor withdraw their Pi. There is only one thing for them to do: buy and sell on the exchange. This makes it even more clear that the real Pi is not being used in trading.

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