HTX offer to hacker

Huobi Global's HTX exchange hacked

By Yugocean | Crypto Champion | 26 Sep 2023

     Justin Sun confirmed that Huobi Global's HTX crypto exchange has been hacked, and a possible deal is under debate and doubt.

A Serious Hack

     HTX was hacked on September 24, just as the crypto world was discussing the Mixin network hack worth $200 million in bitcoin. The HTX hack that wiped out 5k Ethereum worth approximately $8 million is small in comparison, but more serious because HTX is one of the top crypto exchanges with global deals.

Huobi's White Hat offer

     Huobi claims to have identified the hacker, but without taking any action, he gave the hacker a 7-day deadline and offered to keep 5% of the money as a "white-hat bonus" in exchange for returning the 95%. Since the HTX offer is in Chinese, it also does not seem to be the work of North Korea's Lazarus Group.

A Doubt and Suspicion

     Any platform comes into action regarding a hack, but HTX is presenting promotional offers on the platform as if nothing has happened. People are doubting the offer too; some are even speculating that the hack may be a fake that plans to devour approximately 250 Ethereum as a white-hat bonus.

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