FTX files $1.76 billion recovery lawsuit against Binance and CZ

By Yugocean | Crypto Champion | 12 Nov 2024

The FTX v Binance again

     The FTX filed is filing lawsuits against various entities to recover funds in order to repay creditors. In this series, recently the FTX has filed a $1.76 billion recovery lawsuit against the Binance exchange and its founder, CZ.




Binance and CF are Big Targets

     This is a very funny thing; how will it recover in this way? People think that Binance, which paid a fine of $4 billion to the CFTC, and CZ, who went to jail, will accept their claim as well, but nothing like this is going to happen. Binance and CZ, who were hurt after the CFTC's deception, seem to be more cautious and sharper than before.




Lawyers Never Give Up

     It is a different matter that the lawsuit thing has now become a game; Binance has rejected the claims as baseless, which clearly means that Binance can also take a legal approach. This is the first big case in the crypto world after Trump's victory. The lawyers are not going to give up so easily; it is dirty, but it is business.



Originally published at Grill, and on Wubits as thread

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