VeChain verified that 336,5 Tons of plastic waste has been removed from the ocean and rivers

By Lukros76 | Crypto Banter | 18 May 2021

The ReSea Project, a business driven by a desire to end plastic pollution in the ocean with it's blockchain based tracking system, recently shared an update on their collection data from January to April as they removed 336,5 Tons (672,938.17 lbs) of plastic waste from oceans and rivers. They mention that it is the equivalent of about 15 million plastic bottles removed and recycled in just 4 months. These positive results will also allow for improved income for the cleanup team and their families in Indonesia.

The project uses VeChain Tech to collect, record and track collection data. They also have a certificate from DNV providing proof and easy traceability of what the project aims to do. The ReSea project is one of the rare few businesses that both transparently and openly show the public what they are doing to combat the pollution caused by our enormous use of plastic.

The amount done in these 4 months is truly fascinating but not unexpected with the business model they employ. For every 8$ invested by companies 1KG of plastic is removed from the sea. And companies that actively support the project are better off for it than just saying they invested in "sustainability and reducing pollution" without actually having any evidence to show for it.

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A Video Game Designer, Crypto Enthusiast, Writer and an ASMRtist

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