Splinterlands Unit Spotlight: Olivia the Brook

By logen9f | Crypto and play2earn | 2 Nov 2024

Olivia the Brook

Olivia the Brook is one the new Rebellion Soulbound reward cards. An epic card that requires 6 mana to field in battle, she can deal magic and melee damage. She has decent speed but has low health and no armor at lower levels. She has the Opportunity ability at level 1, making her an effective damage dealer as she can deal magic and melee damage. At level 2, is where she truly shines as she gains the new ability, Mimic.

Mimic allows her to copy a random ability from the enemy. The longer she stays in battle, the more abilities she gains. This is a fun and broken ability in my opinion. It's a good thing that she is accessible to all players through the Glint shop.


Olivia the Brook is a versatile card. She can be effective in any ruleset provided that she is not restricted from being used like Little League. Her utility will be diminished by Back to Basics however where she cannot take advantage of her abilities.

Olivia in Battle

In the following battle, the rulesets are:

Up Close and Personal

During the course of battle, Olivia copied a lot of powerful abilities such as Bloodlust and Heal making her a better Quora! She also gained Flying which was needed to avoid damage in Earthquake rulesets.

After round 5, Olivia gained stats and abilities during the battle.

Link to battle


Olivia the Brook's Mimic ability is fun to watch and offers a lot of possibilities in battle strategies. She will be more effective in higher leagues where battles last longer. The more she lasts in battle, the more abilities she can copy, the deadlier unit she is.

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