Splinterlands Social Media Challenge: EOS and Card Upgrades

By logen9f | Crypto and play2earn | 16 Jan 2025


Hello Splinterlands Summoners! It's the end of another season in Splinterlands again. I reached Gold I and accumulated over 170,000 Glints and around 800 SPS.


Buying Reward Cards

My plan is to upgrade my epic reward cards so I used most of my Glints in buying 20 epic chests. I'm hoping to upgrade Olivia the Brook and the Halfling Refugee to level 3. Here are the cards that I got. I received two BCX of Olivia and one of them is gold foil. I also got only one BCX of Halfling Refugee.


I got a lot of Khazi Conjurer, Night Reaper and Thanalorian Blade and can upgrade them to level 3. At level 3 they gain an additional ability which is an important upgrade. These are also good cards and I can find some use for them in battle.

Upgrading to Level 3

Khazi Conjurer

The Khazi Conjurer gains the Piercing ability. This is great since he deals high damage that can be above a defender's armor.


Thanalorian Blade

The Thanalorian Blade gains Lookout ability. It's a defensive ability against Sneak, Snipe, Opportunity and Ambush attacks.


Night Reaper

The Night Reaper gains Reflection Shield. Now he's a better tank/off-tank having counters against Magic Reflect and Blast.


Guild Brawl

At the same time, our guild brawl has also finished. This is another way to earn SPS and collect more cards.

My Performance

I did poorly this time, only winning three battles. I earned 5,100 Merits and 71 SPS.


Buying Gladius Cases

I have over 14,000 Merits which I used to buy seven Gladius cases. These means that I will have 35 more cards to add to my collection.


Opening the Gladius Cases

The first pack I opened was not good but the in the next ones I got three epics. One BCX of Quora and two BCX of Marisol Contuna.


I also checked if I can upgrade some cards and indeed one is good to upgrade. I don't really use this card but after this upgrade he becomes a good tank. Hugo Strongsword gains the Heal ability. Coupled with his Shield, he becomes a viable tank that can be used in low mana battles.


Final Thoughts

This season has been great so far allowing me to acquire a lot of cards and upgrade them. At the same time, I also earned some SPS which I will convert to DEC in preparation for the next set.

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