Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge: Three Soldiers in a Tavern - Chapter 2

By logen9f | Crypto and play2earn | 14 Dec 2024


Hello Splinterlands Community. This is a continuation of my previous short story, "Three Soldiers in a Bar", a fun banter about Splinterlands characters and their lore.


In a dimly lit tavern, three soldiers huddled around a small wooden table, their weathered faces relaxed by liquor. Their mood was light, relaxed in the brief pause from years of battle. Their beards have the foam of beer as they carelessly drank while bantering.

"Hey Lorka, since you like Adelaide's feathers so much, what do you think about the Halaran Huntress? She's part of the new recruits that recently came in." Logen continued with a mischievous smile on his face.


"She came from Wild Northeast’s Sea of Karsts, a place so inhospitable, only the hardest survive in there." Lofar butted in. "Few vegetation grow there and the water is poisoned. The foolish ones who chose to go there and survive the elements are often die at the claws of harpies like the Halaran Huntress."

"She's incredibly adorable, but I'm afraid her talons are too sharp. I saw her move in battle, she's so graceful. Her daggers are like part of her body. She's beautiful like an eagle but deadly at the same time. I'd follow her anywhere." Lorka whispered in his usual gravelly voice.

"I bet you'd follow her in her nest!" Logen winked slyly as he leaned closer.

Lorka let out a laugh. "Aye! That would be fun if she doesn't cut me herself first!"

"I'm partial to horses." Logen blurted. "They're full of grace and fun to ride. Say, have you seen the Thunderhoof Nomad? She's also one of the new recruits.


“I’ve seen her fight,” Logen added in admiration. He gestured with his mug, spilling his drink on the table. “She charged straight through the enemy line, her spear flashing like lightning. Left a trail of chaos in her wake. She’s like a storm given form! I bet we can ride in battle together!”

Lofar, the group's lore expert added: "They're peaceful craftsmen driven by out of their habitat by the Chaos Empire. They're here to help fight against the Chaos Nation. I heard she's a cousin of the legendary Kron, the Undying."

"Bah! Lorka smirked. They're horses and breed like rabbits. I'm sure they're each others cousins!"

"Don't be specieist Lorka! Logen shot back with a little anger. I don't say anything about your bird fetish!"

"Calm down, you two!" Lofar interjected before things got ugly. "Let's change the subject. The new legendary fighter, a veteran by the looks of it got injured again."

"Yes I heard, Gallicus is his name. He's an old warrior but talks a lot of trash. He makes the enemy mad with his taunts and gets attacked a lot. That's why he gets injured so much." Lorka said.


"In his youth, he used to have a lot of vitality and used a shield." Lofar added. "Because of his constant injuries from attracting enemy fire, he injured his left arm and can no longer hold a shield. His health also decreased and he can go down in two hits!"

"It's foolish that he continues to Taunt if he goes down easily!" Logen blurted. "He's not much use in battle if you ask me."

"Shut up, Logen." Lorka, still mad from their previous argument shot back. "You just have to have find the right situation and he will be useful in battle."

"He's right." Lofar agreed. All units have their specialty in battle. What maybe useless in most battles may find their niche in specific ones. Just be patient."

"All right." Logen consented. "Maybe I judged him too harshly. Now let's talk about some more interesting subjects. Have you seen the beautiful Olivia? I heard she has a thing for leopards."

From the shadows near the fireplace, a faint rustle caught their attention. A figure moved into the light—tall, beautiful, and cloaked in an aura of danger that silenced the entire room. Beside her, a powerful leopard growled.

"Talking about me, boys?" she asked, her voice smooth and laced with quiet menace.


Uh-oh. Let's find out in the next chapter if Logen survives.

Thank you for reading!

Link to chapter 1. A couple of names were changed.

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Crypto and play2earn
Crypto and play2earn

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